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On the Lam with John Wilkes Booth
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The Murder Weapon
Booth's Gun - Ford Theater Museum

Follow the Trail of John Wilkes Booth
After the Lincoln assassination, John Wilkes Booth and David Herold, one of his co-conspirators, did not find the adoration and honor they expected for ridding the country of the Yankee president who had placed Maryland under martial law, vanquished the Confederacy, and freed the slaves.
For twelve days they lived furtively as they covered less than a hundred miles before Booth died on the Garrett farm near Bowling Green, Virginia. 

Dr. Mudd's House
Dr. Mudd treated Booth in an upstairs bedroom.
Surratt's Tavern
The Bar/Post Office Where Booth and Herold picked up guns
Assassination Site
Lincoln's Box at Ford;s Theater


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